Sad fact: aside from the above-linked selfie I took of us at the beach this summer, we have no photos of all of us together that include the baby.
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Friends, we need this photoshoot! A selfie just doesn’t cut it. I’m no real model, but I’ve had lots of experience pretending to be. And my kids are seriously cute. At least I think so… most of the time. Please vote for the Barchas-Wilson-Egender family. And for our dog Jules too. He’s the real star here. Talk about model physique!!! Don’t let Jules down– VOTE VOTE VOTE 🙂
If an impromptu family selfie and eye poke of the dog can capture the silliness, imagine what could be with a professional behind the lens!
Thanks for your vote, Jason!
Not only a sweet and caring family; these guys are beautiful.
I also entered this contest, but I wanted to give you my vote (since we can’t vote for ourselves right!?). You guys are all pretty good looking and I’m such a sucker for silly photos.
Alimond Photography is all about real life and capturing the fun unexpectedness that just simply happens. This family is all of that! Life happens and you make the best of it – this family is the walking breathing testimony to that statement.
Something about this photo drew me in. They look like a family I would like to get to know through photo. All of them exude personality! the fact that this is their only family photo made the decision easy.
Thank you all for the kind words and for your vote!
Vote 4 Katie!!