Alimond Studio


Tips & Tricks – No Chicken Wings please!


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You are not a chicken wing!  No need to pose like one either…  I get it, I get it! “But Aliyah, It makes my waist look slimmer!! ”  My response – No it doesnt.  It makes you look like a chicken wing.”  Instant fix to this??  


Curve your arms around your body like so, allowing one of your arms to go slightly behind your waist.  Create a nice curved figure so that as you look at the photo your eyes follow a nice little curve.  Remember to keep your arms bent, but not stiff!  Relaxed fingers and most importantly, a beautiful smile!  Please, no more chicken wings!!!  As you are perusing on facebook and you see your bestie taking a selfie looking like a chickie (as in chicken wing) please feel free to post this blog post right under it….or better yet, send it to them in a private message.  You know, that way you don’t get “de-friended”.   


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  1. Miriam says:

    Love this tip!

  2. Love this! I hear ‘no chicken wing’ all the time but never know what to replace it with. This is perfect! And super natural, too! It’s always tough to know where to put those darn hands in photos and look ‘normal’! Once again, you’re fab! Thanks for the tips 😉

  3. Love this! I hear ‘no chicken wing’ all the time but never know what to replace it with. This is perfect! And super natural, too! It’s always tough to know where to put those darn hands in photos and look ‘normal’! Once again, you’re fab! Thanks for the tips 😉

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