You can have all the strategies and tactics in the world and you can still fail in your endeavors because of one, very important, thing:
Your mindset.
Your mindset is based on your beliefs, which have been influenced by your past experiences. From the world, we live in, to who raised us. These things shape our perception. Your mindset operates primarily on a subconscious level.
That can both benefit you, and harm you, especially in business.
If you’re unable to adopt a different viewpoint and maybe can’t see eye to eye with a client (within reasonable circumstances), you could potentially lose business.
But (yay, there’s a but!), you can shift your mindset! Not overnight; remember this is like rewiring the way your brain processes things based on a lifetime of doing it one way.
If we start slow and small, you can begin to notice a change in how you view the world around you and how to put that into practice with your business.
I encourage you to challenge yourself. The limiting thoughts and beliefs you have towards situations in business.
That voice that just reacts to a situation with
“My business isn’t successful because of X.”
“I can’t charge higher prices because of Y.”
“I can’t afford to invest in Z.”
The first step to revising the original thought is identifying it. When you recognize that thought ask yourself –
“Does this belief serve me?”
“What would be more beneficial at this moment?”
“What evidence is there to support this new belief?”
Adopting a limiting mindset is like putting yourself in park and saying your car won’t work.
It will, but you have to shift gears into drive.
This idea that you are in a fixed position in business is a problem because you can’t leave a box that you put yourself in.
“I’m not good at public speaking.”
“I’ve never been good at numbers.”
“I don’t know how to present myself on camera.”
None of these are permanent, but they are if you continue to believe them.
You can improve and learn new skills for your whole life. Old dogs can learn new tricks.
A growth mindset has you believing that your brains and innate talent are simply a starting point and you can absolutely improve on this. Failure, then, becomes a useful signal as to what you need to work on.
In this day in age, it’s not uncommon for people to stay in their lane and not push themselves out of their comfort zone.
With that comes the excuses of why something new isn’t for you and your business (before you even try it).
Under all the excuses is limiting beliefs and fear. Fear is the biggest reason why you’re actually holding yourself back.
As soon as you do commit and begin to take action, you’ll quickly gain more confidence and create momentum and, before you know it, you will have done the very thing that you thought was impossible.
Turn the “I can’t do this because…” into “How can I make this happen?”
Thank you so much for reading and I hope this serves you well!
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