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Build A Likable Brand on Social Media


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What is a likable brand?

A likable brand is something that a personality (business owner or entrepreneur) is creating in order to connect with their ideal client. How you present yourself online is what your clients connect with.


If I’m a health coach, I want my brand to say I’m not perfect. I’m not the healthiest eater. I’m not exercising 24/7. The target audience I’m trying to reach finds value in someone who’s like them. Someone who faces the same struggles they deal with.

If I show myself working out 20 hours a week they think “Woah, I can’t do that. She is obsessed with working out – that is not me. I need someone I connect with, someone who gets me.” Even if I do work out 20 hours a week I’m not going to present it that way.

I’m going to find something like how I struggle with choosing better foods and how I’m working toward future health goals. Then they feel like they’re on the journey with me.

Guide your followers through your life

When you’re creating a personal brand to sell something, you are almost always selling a lifestyle. You’re making an emphasis on all the wonderful things your goods/services can offer to your client. Your audience should be looking at your page and thinking “I want that. I want to hang out with them. I need this.”

Your stories on Instagram and also Reels offer the potential to scale more than you think. Reels are short, trendy, and easy to learn from and connect to. Through Reels, you could share quick video content that stays on your page and offers value or entertainment to your audience.

With Stories, you have the ability to take your viewers directly behind the scenes to whatever it is an expert in your industry does in a day, or maybe a family outing, or a powerful testimonial from a client. Stories are the place to keep the people who already follow you engaged and keeping up with you.

Raymond Martinez _ Leesburg, VA Alimond Studio.jpg

When you’re trying to be more mindful of how you present your content, you recognize that people need to see something they like. People first visiting your page will decide “I like them/I don’t like them” and they make that choice in about 3 seconds.

Even if you do something that they would usually be all for, it won’t matter if they don’t like you. And vice versa. If you do something they might not agree with or love, they still like you. First impressions count.

How can I make a good first impression?

First, you need to know who you’re talking to. That is the number one thing to make sure you have a handle on. Once you know exactly who that is, then you’ll know which parts of yourself to highlight so you can connect with them.

If I were talking to a group of vegans, I wouldn’t start talking about how much I loved my Grandma’s homemade beef stew as a kid. Even if the story would evoke emotions elsewhere, I know that isn’t something that particular group of people would resonate with.

Keep your people in mind. Cater to only your people rather than everyone. You offer a certain service to whoever your dream client is, connect to that client.

So first step to building a likable brand is to listen to your audience. Do polls, ask questions, invite them to send you a message, ask them to pick this or that. Give them a voice and hear them. Create what you know your followers can gain something from.

Utilize Stories for keeping your followers engaged and Reels to further your reach with short-form video content.

Make a lasting impression within the first 3 seconds – you can do it easily when you know who you’re talking to.

If you need any help with your personal branding or you feel like it just needs a complete rework, click the link “FREE CELEBRITY BRAND TRAINING” at the bottom of this page. You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn below. Don’t forget – we also have a super amazing not-networking event called My Growth Tribe where like-minded industry experts cultivate connections. Find out when the next event is below!

Thanks for reading,

The A Team

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