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Client of the Month – Gina Tufano


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We have worked with Gina Tufano on numerous occasions and are honored to feature her for our April Client of the Month.


Tell us about yourself?: I love helping people – learning their stories, seeing where I can add value. In real estate, this inspires me to educate and navigate clients and agents alike. With experience as the best teacher, I maintain an open mind and am in a constant state of growth and learning. Sharing and connecting with others fuels my desire to make the world just a little bit better every day.

What did you do before your current career?: I had a short stint in the dental hygiene world back before dinosaurs roamed the earth. I’ve been in real estate since 1996!

And how do you feel you will use your talents to help create change?: One conversation at a time. It is through communication and understanding that we are able to remove our filters and get a wider view of the world – which in turn helps us to relate to one another.

What’s the one thing that’s pretty interesting about you that not too many people know?: My parents named me Gina – however it was pronounced “Gin” like the drink + soft “a”. Early in my teens I was tired of having to correct people and a wee bit sassy – so I declared myself “Gina” – pronounced Geena – as I am known today. There are still a handful of relatives and childhood friends that use the original pronunciation – although at this point even my dad has caved – mom is a staunch hold out – I don’t blame her – I would be the same with my boys. 😉

What’s one thing you think everyone should do at least once in their life?: Oh where to begin! I could write a novel here – thereby eliminating the “one thing” concept. If I must choose one: get a passport, travel to a foreign country where you don’t speak the language, and hang with the locals instead of the tourists. It will broaden your horizons more than anything else I can think of.

What are you looking forward to in the new few months?: Continuing the momentum. I feel like I have learned so many things over the last few years and the puzzle pieces are falling into place – from work to family, health to travel – you name it, I’ve had some major life lessons. Implementation is fun!

If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?: Nada. I am not willing to risk any piece of my current life by changing the road I took to get here. 😉

Northern Virginia Expert in Photo shoot at Leesburg Studio

If you had to describe yourself to someone based on your values, traits and personality, how would you do so?: I am the most liberal conservative out there or you could flip it – I am the most conservative liberal you know. I have a strong inner GPS for responsibility and doing the right thing, coupled with a childlike wonder for trying new things. The combo has me pushing boundaries on a regular basis.

How can others connect with you?: google me – there are a bazillion choices 😉



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