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How To Create Content That Converts with Social Media


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When you create content, there are some key things to consider so that you can be sure your time and efforts aren’t being wasted. If you’re not actively generating leads, it may feel like social media isn’t worth your time. So here are some easy to implement tips to creating content that converts.

1. Get to the point

In a world where screens are on at all times, people are constantly making choices. They learn to make these decisions faster and faster because no one wants to waste their time on content they don’t see the value in.

Your first point in whatever you post needs to happen within the first 3 seconds or people will swipe/click away. You wouldn’t want to watch a 20-second intro to something when another video could give you valuable information as soon as you click on it.

If you’re sharing your top 3 favorite ways to wear a scarf on Instagram, your audience will be more intrigued to see you share how quick and easy each way is rather than watch you talk about why you love it so much.

An option for video content would be to put your most exciting moment BEFORE everything else, so if it’s interesting to others, they’ll want to stick around.

2. Make them feel good when they see your content


If you go to any influencers page, you’ll notice a few things. Their photos all tie together aesthetically, they cut down on graphics, and they just look like they’re having fun and enjoying what they’re doing.

People look at those images and think, “Wow, I would love to go there/wear that/love the way they do x,y,z”.

When you’re creating a feel that makes consumers excited to be on your page, then you have people who will look at your content consistently.

If you can craft a brand that others completely fall in love with, you make them crave your products/services. Because your content makes people feel good.

3. Gain their trust

When deciding on who to spend their money with, consumers are 75% more likely to pay more to purchase from a brand they really feel they can trust. That means you have to pay attention to what your audience will think of what and how you share.

Make sure that what you share answers any questions and puts all doubts about your brand at ease. With your content, they should be able to understand who you are, why you do what you do, some of your how/your process, and how it all comes out to benefit them.

Tell stories that evoke empathy from your audience. Your viewers love when they can relate to your problems and vice versa. When people feel like they know you, they begin to feel more comfortable with giving you their own time and money.

Picture what your ideal client might look for in a brand. Maybe they really value their security and want to know they can trust you with their information. Maybe that’s not a big concern to them, but they find wonderful customer service extremely important. Deliver above and beyond what your dream customer would expect.

4. Create headlines that get attention

The headline of your article or video is the first factor in your audience deciding if they want to spend their time with that content. The content within can be fantastic regardless of its headline, but that won’t matter if no one is fascinated by the headline.


Let the consumer know what they’re going to gain within that title. “The Best Way To Create Sharable Videos” – this title indicates that it’s a good method with “the best” and tells the reader that they’ll learn how to do something with “create sharable videos”, and “sharable” ensures the reader with gain something from doing these steps.

You could also create a punchier headline, something that adds a little more drama and shock-value. The title “Everything On Instagram You’re Doing Wrong” dares to suggest that the reader might be doing something wrong without knowing – but offers a sense of hope that there will be solutions within the article.

5. Make your process simple and exciting

The most basic thing you can do to make sure your lead has a good idea of everything you have to offer is by making it easy to understand your process from start to finish.

From the moment that consumer is on your page, you need clear indicators of who you are, what you do for your client, why the way you do it is phenomenal, and what benefit it could bring to their lives. Take them through the process of signing up for your course, when it is, what they need to do to prepare, etc. in a way that gets your lead exciting about the idea of working with you.

You want people to come to your page and think, “Working with this person would be a dream.”

To make it easy on yourself, implement something like a page on your site or something in your Instagram highlights that lead your client through your process and at the end feature a CTA that invites them to whatever it is that you want them to get to.

You could have a training, book for sale, free consult call, or anything else. As long as this CTA goes where the consumer gets their foot in the door or even gets them booked.

6. Every post has a purpose

Whether it’s to share your favorite hidden spot in town or if it’s to educate your audience on a topic you have expertise in. You know that your content has a goal. There is a purpose behind each post.

It may be to create some emotion in your reader.

Imagine you own a bakery. You post an image of a mother and daughter, baking a cake in a homey kitchen. You’ve shown your audience that yes, you bake cakes, but you also value family.


They think of their own families and now connect your story and values to their own. You become more trustworthy to them and now one of your cakes seems special to them.

Your goal is to connect and keep them coming back because of that.

7. Best-Fitting CTA

There are a few approaches to creating a useful CTA.

One would be inciting a bit of FOMO. You can let your audience know about a limited-time deal that only happens once a year and they’ll want to hop on that before it goes away.

Maybe you want eyes on other pieces of content on different platforms. Remind them to follow you over on your other socials for more info on whatever topic you specialize in.

The consumer who likes what you’ve shared is now excited to find out more about who you are and what you do.

Encourage your audience to sign up for something in this CTA, like an email list, where they gain the benefit of receiving more information and possibly email list only bonuses.

Wrap Up

  • When it comes to creating content that converts, don’t waste anyone’s time. If you’re offering a solution to your customers’ problem, you should be able to present that in an engaging and clear way within 30 seconds.

  • Remember, you’re creating a brand that makes people want to sit down with you, they want to feel good looking at your content.

  • Show that you are trustworthy. If someone is wanting to invest in you, they’ve decided they trust you – even if it’s subconsciously. When you use empathy to tell your story and to tell the story of your brand, people see you as human, not just a company. Humans trust humans.

  • Grab your audience’s attention with a headline that makes your content clear. They know what they’re coming for.

  • Make sure your consumers know what and how you can provide for them all while creating an enjoyable experience.

  • Everything you post has a purpose. It may be to connect or educate or look for feedback from your audience.

  • An effective CTA – this is whatever is current, working for your business, and getting your followers in as a client.

Thanks for reading,

The A Team

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