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Does Your Brand Make People Feel Something?


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Welcome to the last article in this series where we go over celebrities and their influential personal branding.

We’ve talked about Oprah’s tactics and The Rock’s dynamic pivot from wrestling to acting. Today we’ll be discussing Chip and Joanna Gaines of “Fixer Upper” and their stunning farmhouse chic business, Magnolia. 

One of the most notable aspects of the Gaines’ brand would be how inviting and comfortable they make their audience feel. 

They’ve taken the world (and Target) by storm with their cozy throw pillows, immaculate kitchenwares, and beautiful coffee table books. Magnolia quickly became the sought after staple to have in your home. 


There’s no hiding that Magnolia has taken root in its cream colors, black handwritten script and fresh spring greens.

If you crack open one of their books or magazines, every image feels clean yet livable. You can imagine yourself in that space. You go to a store that carries their goods and all of a sudden you have a new set of gold cutlery and a gorgeous oak cutting board.

They thrive on cohesive color choices and beautifully written fonts matched with stunning interiors to make their brand stand out.

Building a brand that lasts – literally

One of the coolest things about brand expansion is thinking outside the box. That’s what Chip and Joanna have done with Magnolia, and then some.

From the Magnolia Silos in Waco, Texas where you can grab a bite to eat, do some shopping, or just hang out – to their own Magnolia Realty spanning across Texas. They’ve created real, tangible places for people to come and get the full Magnolia experience.

People who have watched the Gaines’ grow from a show on HGTV feel connected to their story.

They’re willing to spend the money to travel from far and wide to be at The Magnolia Table.

Welcoming strangers like family

In the Magnolia Journal, their quarterly magazine, we get a glimpse into what’s happening currently at the Market.


Jo will share a reflection piece that she feels will create a deeper connection with the readers. The magazine will highlight generations of families to share comforting wisdom.

They make a great effort to reach out to their following, almost like they’re sitting down for a cup of coffee with just them.

Where other companies have an audience that wouldn’t really care about the CEO’s thought process for designing a living room, the Magnolia fans would pay to pick the Gaines’ brains.

That’s exactly what a stunning and inviting brand will do.

Do YOU want a scalable, impactful, and unique personal brand like Magnolia, Oprah, or The Rock? We’re ready to teach you how to do just that! Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the button that says “Free Celebrity Brand Training” and get started.

You can connect with us on social with the links below. Don’t forget to claim your spot for My Growth Tribe, our monthly not-networking event.

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