Alimond Studio


End Of The Year Encouragement


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It’s officially almost 2021. We have a lot to take away from 2020. Despite everything that’s been thrown our way, we’ve continued to work hard, see results, and accomplish things we were determined to. 

It hasn’t been without grit and perseverance, of course. It’s the grit that gets us through tough days in our business, 2020 chaos or not. 

So since you’ve made it this far and you’ve pushed yourself harder than ever, it’s important to remember what it took to get to where you are now, but also to see the lesson and grow from it. Dream bigger, turn those dreams in goals with set systems in place to achieve them.

84% of small business owners indicate that they’re feeling optimistic about the future of their companies.


We can achieve more than what we confine ourselves to. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Getting a good sense of where everything is at in your business will assist you in propelling your goals even further. 

People say pretty often, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” Just because dreams can be intimidating doesn’t mean they can’t excite you!

So what do you do when you feel like you’ve reached your biggest success?

  1. Take that moment to get a better idea of what you’re looking at. Look at the analytics. The numbers don’t lie and will tell you indefinitely where your time is valuable and where it’s being wasted. 

2. Double that projected growth. Triple your sales goals. Quadruple your reach for new clients. Set the goals that make it seem impossible and commit. All of it doesn’t mean crap if you’re not committing to your goals. If your dream as a real estate agent is to help 30 families within the next 2 months, put in the work. Saying it isn’t enough. You have to put yourself into that goal fully or nothing will come of it.

3. Whatever you decide to do, no matter how insane it seems; believe in it and show up. Even on the days that don’t feel like you’ll make it to that goal. If you don’t show up at all, you definitely won’t reach it. If you don’t believe in the heart behind the goal, it’s easy to get distracted and deter from what you committed to.

4. Remember your WHY. Why do you want to serve families? Why do you want to put in the work for others? This is the heart and soul of any good goal and that makes it 10x more achievable. Knowing why you want to get somewhere with these dreams is the fuel in the fire to get it done.


Don’t wait to start next year. Now is the time to do the foundational work so when you step into next year, you know exactly what’s on the agenda and where you’re looking to fulfill those big dreams. 

Call up a friend who you know believes in your ideas, ask to have a coffee date (virtual or in-person), and let them know about these big plans. Yes, sometimes you feel crazy saying it all out loud and especially to another human. But if you don’t realize the big things you want to do and share them with others, you stand in your own way of achieving anything. 

When you have support to back you up, goals that seem hazy in the distance become clearer and begin to take shape. The path to reaching these dreams is a lot easier to navigate. 

It’s the end of the year but it should never be the end of setting the bar higher and doing big things. Believe in your ability and talents, put in the work, don’t forget why you’re doing what you do in the first place, and it’ll come to fruition.

Hope you enjoyed this read! If so, please share it with someone you know who you think needs a boost.  If you’re looking for more small business owners who are growing their businesses through video and media, click below to join our community!



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