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How to Empower Women Small Business Owners


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The US has 12.3 million women-owned businesses and US women-owned businesses generate $1.8 trillion a year.

Small businesses are effective tools to empower women of color, with women owners for almost 60% of black-/African-American-owned businesses and 44% of Latinx-owned businesses.

Those same women are giving back to communities, looking out for their friends and families, and working hard every day to serve their neighborhoods.

I’m so proud that so many women are pursuing their dreams ad realizing their potential. I want to see all women feel empowered in their actions and be able to fully take advantage of every opportunity they get.

Be an inspiring leader to those in your workspace

I’m sure you’ve encountered at least one boss in your life who just wouldn’t give you a break. Micromanaging everything you do but never giving you enough trust on certain tasks. Maybe they couldn’t delegate whatsoever and everyone on the team suffered for it.

When a superhero has a power, they have a decision that will make or break them. To use said powers for doing good or using them for their own selfish gain without regard for others.

As a woman with power, you should be mindful of how you wield it. Even as just a woman someone looks up to, you have more to do with their self-perception than you may think. This kind of behavior will influence everyone else you do business with, from partners to employees. You never know how many people will be inspired and motivated by your actions!

Keeping a positive frame of mind

Yes, we’re only human. We have off days, feel more irritable on other days, and aren’t always as sympathetic as we maybe should be. These frustrating things happen quite often so it’s crucial we maintain regulation and look at the bigger picture. Focus on formulating your response first, rather than your reaction.

As a leader who is aware of those around her, taking other people into consideration is key. Remembering that co-workers and employees are human is one of the greatest strengths we have as small business owners. This will allow you to be seen as a true professional and will empower others to emulate your behavior.

Connect women with awesome female mentors.

Do you know a smart, passionate woman who works hard and is searching for a great mentor to help guide her where she needs to be next? Do you also know another woman, who is established within her career and eager to provide advice to the next generation?

Then roll out the introductions so they can begin to curate a strong relationship. And don’t be afraid to mentor as well if you have something to bring to the table! This lets others see you as a valuable connector for people and adds value to your name.

Of course, I’m going to because how could I not shout out the women who inspire me in this blog? I’ve mentioned her before plenty of times but I have to do it again because she is such a strong example, Gale Paige. A wonderful human, mother, and mentor who specifically gives advice to business owners. Natalie Perkins, founder of Bella Ballerina that now has over 5 locations in 4 different states. And Sarah Reynolds, who is growing her team of leaders rapidly and a kind-hearted master in the realty business. Love me some inspiring women!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Reach out to a woman you find inspiring and share this with them! If you’re looking for more inspirational humans, I highly encourage you to check out our free Facebook group, The Alimond Community.



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