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Kimberly Harris


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Lessons from Local Leaders:

Kimberly Harris

Have you ever felt the thrill of turning a simple idea into a reality that fills your life with passion and purpose? Kimberly has, and she’s here to ignite that spark in you. From a two-car garage to a bustling home decor store in Ashburn, Virginia, her story is a tapestry of ingenuity and determination. As she peels back the curtain on her journey of leaving the corporate world behind, you’ll find yourself enraptured by her transformation of ordinary items into extraordinary treasures. Her hands-on approach and one-woman show to creating, buying, and staging is more than just a business model—it’s a testament to the power of following one’s artistic vision.

Journey with us through the enchanting, sometimes chaotic, world of holiday retail where Kimberly weaves her magic. The store, aptly named ‘A New View,’ becomes a canvas for her creativity, especially during the Christmas season. She manages to blend professional triumphs with the warmth of her personal life, ensuring that neither is left untended. The innovative ‘sip and shops’ she hosts not only redefine the shopping experience but also serve as a gateway to giving back to the community. This segment is a celebration of the entrepreneurial spirit and the delicate art of balancing work with life’s other precious moments.

In the final act of our conversation, we uncover the subtle yet impactful role of scent in creating a memorable shopping experience. Kimberly’s strategy of matching fragrances to rooms is just one piece of her larger philosophy on personalization in retail. Her story is an inspiring reminder that taking risks, believing in yourself, and connecting with customers on a personal level can be the catalysts for success in business and beyond. Embark on this sensory journey and let Kimberly’s unwavering belief in herself and her craft inspire you to take your own leap of faith.

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