First Name
Last Name
What do you do and who is your ideal client?
What is your top three goals for your personal branding makeover video? What do you want to happen because you have a strong personal brand?
What were you doing before you decided to go into your current field?
What’s the most exciting thing about your career?
If you could explain your life now to your younger self, what would you say?
If you were not working on your business, what would you be doing?
How do you show people you care about them?
If you had to choose 5 words to describe your personality, what would they be?
What does being rich mean to you?
What’s your favorite quote?
Do you have a family/pets that has been a part of your professional career journey?
How has your education played/not played into your career/lifestyle
What’s the one choice you’ve made in your life that has help lead you to where you are today?
Why do you feel you’re supposed to be doing what you’re doing?
If you had a magic wand and could change one thing in your industry, what would it be?
What is one question you wish your clients would ask/know before seeking someone like you out?
What do you wish for your clients?
How do you feel that what you do will help change the world for the better?
What are some of the physical locations your ideal client would find you working?
Would you be in an office setting? At a hospital? In the city? In a coffee shop? In a home setting?
What else do we need to know about you, the way you work, your background and your message?
What was a turning point in your life?
What is a childhood memory(ies) you have that you find special/memorable?
What did you picture yourself doing when you were a child?
What is something you wish people knew about you?
How do people see you before they know you? And what is right/wrong about the way they see you?
In one sentence tell us what keeps you going?
How did you decide to do what you do?
How would your best friend describe you?
What personal values do you hold dearly and why
Share your favorite client story that showcased one of the values you provided above