Your mindset is based on your beliefs, which have been influenced by your past experiences. From the world, we live in, to who raised us. These things shape our perception. Your mindset operates primarily on a subconscious level.

That can both benefit you, and harm you, especially in business.

Advice from Alimond, Building Your Brand, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

Shift Your Mindset

This one is for all you daily grinders out there who are ready to jump in to really owning your branding and making sure you’re heard and seen. I hear so often an entire list of concerns and fears from clients. In this post, I’m taking a sec to get real with you and dispel all the negativity and doubts you might be carrying around with you.

Advice from Alimond, Building Your Brand, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

A Message To Small Business Owners

Learn how Marie Kondo’s KonMari method can help you regain your confidence.

Advice from Alimond

Marie Kondo Your Mindset

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