Alimond Studio


The Glamorous Life as a Photographer


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I wake up around 8:00am to the sounds of whales off the coast of Northern Ireland.  My husband is already awake.  He delivers coffee and a breakfast sandwich to me in bed, then starts giving me my morning foot rub.  The nanny then lets the kids in.  Layla has already been taken to the bus stop, but Yusef and Khalil are up, bathed, and fed.  My happy, clean, perfect kids are such angels.

I take my time showering and getting dressed for work.  There’s no need to exercise; the baby weight from Yusef has just melted away. 

We leave for the studio promptly at 9:15am, and then stroll over to our favorite café for gourmet espressos.  When we get back to the studio, my assistants are already there answering my emails, making phone calls, editing, and booking new sessions.  Raymond and I discuss the meaning of life until it’s time for me to leave for my mani-pedi. 

After the mani-pedi, I meet a good client for lunch, and get back to the studio around 3:00pm.  Raymond and I leave to do a little shopping and then head home. 

The nanny has already bathed Layla and helped her with her homework.  I paint Layla’s fingernails as she tells me about her day.  Then, we eat a 3-course meal prepared by my personal chef.  It’s delicious.

After the nanny puts the kids in their beds, Raymond and I have hours of quality time left to spend together before we head off to our luxurious bedroom.  It was professionally decorated by an Interior Designer who decorates for Hollywood stars too popular to name.  We drift off to sleep every night on our 10,000 thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets, stress-free and relaxed.

OK, now back to reality…

My Day

6:30am – Alarm goes off.  Roll out of bed.

6:45am – Wake up Layla to get ready for school.

7:15am – Get Layla out the door and to the bus stop on time.

7:30am – Make myself a Latte.

7:45am – Exercise for 45 minutes.

8:30am – Shower and get dressed.

9:00am – Wake up Raymond.  Pull Yusef and Khalil out of (my) bed.

9:15am – Take off for the studio (as my dad takes care of the kids).

9:30am – Walk from the studio over to King Street Coffee for our morning fix.

10:00am – Meet clients for sessions or start editing.

11:00am – Continue with more sessions or more editing, with a mix of emails and phone calls.

12:00pm – Eat lunch with the hubby or a referral partner/client.

1:30pm-5:30pm – Resume sessions and/or editing.

5:30pm – Tell myself it is time to go home.

6:00pm – Actually force myself out the door.

6:15pm – Arrive home.

6:30pm – Eat dinner, thanks to my dad.  If he doesn’t cook, then I cook (which means we order pizza for the kids (and Raymond) and I eat tuna out of a can with an fresh avocado topped with a bit of salt and lime).

7:30pm – Hang out with my kids and help Layla with her homework.

9:00pm – Get Layla in bed.

10:00pm – Crawl into bed.

Rinse and repeat. 

My life includes coffee, diapers, emails, phone calls, social media, marketing campaigns, photos, videos, editing, luncheons, homework, laundry, dishes, lots of pizza, and lots of hugs and kisses. 

I try to wake up, stay awake, be on time, be present, lose weight, keep my patience, and say thank you.

This life supports me and my family, gives me quality time with my kids and my husband, and manages to be pretty exciting (even though it doesn’t always look like it on paper).  It allows me to deliver on my promises to my clients, my kids, my husband, and myself.  These things are all extremely important to me.

Maybe it’s not all foot rubs and gourmet meals, but I think it’s pretty awesome.

**Thank you to Anna Carson Photographer for the beautiful family photos.  You can find out more about her at:

Read the Comments +

  1. Mike Taylor says:

    Blessed life indeed!

  2. Katie O'Brien says:

    Aliyah, this is beautiful! I love your authenticity behind your amazing work 🙂 xoxo!

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