Alimond Studio


Why You Need To Update Your Headshots in 2021


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When it comes to marketing material and how much time and effort small business owners are putting into theirs, it’s often overlooked. They see their product, its worth, how people will love it, etc.

But their audience isn’t on that same page – they don’t instantly see a product that they can’t live without unless that is exactly what they’ve been shown.

Marketing is what sells your product or services. There is no getting around it. That’s why corporations like Target are willing to spend $1.65 billion US dollars on advertising. They see the payoff.

You have to rewire the way you think of investing in your marketing. You are continuing to let money fly out the door because you don’t have a solid marketing plan for creation and distribution (a common factor many people forget).

Instant gratification

It’s completely understandable to want to see results from something you’ve put not just your money into but also your trust.


Your ROI might be the first thing you want to see but you need to give it time to develop. You don’t post your first curated video and instantly have clients booked all month long (most of the time).

There is a process of growth; getting your content seen, building trust, interacting with your audience, providing value, enticing your audience to want more, funneling them in as clients.

You cannot plant a seed and expect fruit within a week.

But if you continue to nurture that seed, fertilize it, water it, and make sure it has plenty of sun, then weeks to months down the road, you have something ready to bloom.

You and your brand are much like the seed – investing the time and effort will have a payoff.

Thinking with the future in mind.

Because not only are you investing in what your brand will do for you financially but you invest in the longevity of your business. You invest in your clients, your community, your family, and your future.

You will end up reaching people as you grow in wider circles, finding more people who resonate with what you do. You also invest in your team or your future team, which helps create a positive team culture.

Maybe branding videos and headshots are on your list of things you want to get done, but you’re unsure of how it works.

That’s understandable – it’s a new endeavor within your career and something you have no experience in.

But with a fantastic marketing agency, your photographers and videographers will make sure that you enjoy the process of creating content designed to solidify your brand. Getting exposure to working with an agency is an ideal lesson in business.

It will help you understand just what it takes to have a visible business online.

You also get to find out what someone else’s creative viewpoint of you is.


You don’t know how an artist sees you until they put you in a picture. It’s truly something special to have talented people working with you with the intention of bringing out your best self.

You are showcasing your best assets, having others capture that, and you get to know how empowering it feels. Nothing boosts confidence like looking at your own content and feeling proud to be in it.

So when you ask yourself if any marketing material is worth your time and money, think of the bigger picture. Take a step back and think of how this content will set you up for success in the long run. If you don’t know where else to look for solid marketing advice – we have you covered. This two-hour workshop will cover how you can use your personal brand to attract the right audience on 4 different social media platforms to build your business (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube). You will get a full report analysis on how you can personally maximize your social media when you arrive as well.

If you’re needing more in-depth instruction and guidance, we also have a 6-week program that will train you on those 4 platforms so you have a deeper understanding of what you need to do to thrive on social.


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