When it comes to starting your business there’s probably a couple of reasons why you want to – additional income, better ours, more control, etc. But the one thing that everyone has before starting their business is a passion for what they do.

Advice from Alimond, Tips & Tricks

Identify What You Love

How we handle challenges says a lot about who we are as people and how we run our businesses. If you’re the type of person to ignore a problem until it goes away you may not be the person who has a plan for everything. Maybe you’re the opposite and you feel the need to address every issue but face problems with control when things don’t go your way. There’s a midpoint somewhere in there but how do we find it? How do we confidently say, “I got this.” and also know when we need to let something go?

Advice from Alimond, Tips & Tricks

How We Face Challenges

Not feeling the confidence you so desperately need? Look in the mirror (this may have to happen in baby steps or with the support of someone you trust), and say “I love you”. Yes, it sounds silly but in time, it works.

Advice from Alimond, Business - null, Tips & Tricks

Gale Paige on How to Love Your Business

Your mindset is based on your beliefs, which have been influenced by your past experiences. From the world, we live in, to who raised us. These things shape our perception. Your mindset operates primarily on a subconscious level.

That can both benefit you, and harm you, especially in business.

Advice from Alimond, Building Your Brand, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

Shift Your Mindset

When we get around to this time of year, we begin to look back on our year. Especially this year, we have a lot to reflect on. Things might look different from person to person.

Advice from Alimond, Tips & Tricks

Reflecting On Your Year

It’s important that you know what you’re striving for in your marketing strategy so you can fully focus on it. Stick to something you know you’re able to commit to but also don’t be afraid to put in the time and effort. Trust me, it does pay off.

Building Your Brand, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

5 Tips for Marketing Your Business On Social Media

This one is for all you daily grinders out there who are ready to jump in to really owning your branding and making sure you’re heard and seen. I hear so often an entire list of concerns and fears from clients. In this post, I’m taking a sec to get real with you and dispel all the negativity and doubts you might be carrying around with you.

Advice from Alimond, Building Your Brand, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

A Message To Small Business Owners

The number one thing you can do in any time (bad or good, slow or lucrative) always remains the same…

Advice from Alimond, Business - null, Tips & Tricks

The BEST Tip to Help your Business Thrive Right Now

It’ll make your life much easier when you want to grab a photo for a campaign or to schedule your content later as well because it’ll all be in one place so that you don’t have to do that endless scroll in your photo roll on your phone.

Building Your Brand, Headshots, Personal Brand

DIY Guide to Instagram Worthy Branding Photos

I’ve seen some great photographers that know how to pose and get great expressions out of their clients, but because they couldn’t properly light or photograph brown skin, they ruined that client’s headshot. Am I being a bit dramatic when I say they ruined it? Personally, I don’t think so.

Headshots, Makeup, Personal Brand

Photographing Brown Skin Tones – Executive Headshots in Leesburg, VA

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