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Alimond Studio


Chrissi Chapman


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Lessons from Local Leaders:

Chrissi Chapman

Navigating the delicate balance between serving our community and safeguarding our personal well-being can feel like a high-wire act – one wrong step and you’re tumbling into a net of overcommitment. That’s why we’ve brought in the freshly appointed president of our local realtor association, who shares her enlightening journey of discovering the art of the graceful ‘no.’ Her poignant experiences shed light on the pressures we all face, especially women, to play every role handed to us. Chrissi offers sage advice on setting boundaries that allow us to thrive in volunteer positions without compromising our own sanity and life’s priorities.

As we waltz through the world of real estate, she unfolds her transformation from casual part-timer to a leader steering a successful team through economic tides and personal storms. Holiday cheers often drown out the drum of achievements, but not in this conversation. We toast to the unsung moments of victory and underscore the vital role of mentorship and coaching in cultivating a thriving business. Listen in, and you might just find the keys to celebrate your own wins and chart a course to professional and personal fulfillment.

Finally, we peer through the looking glass at the impact of social media on our society and personal lives, with a spotlight on the captivating world of TikTok. The episode peels back layers on the psychological draw of these platforms and the importance of unplugging to maintain a balanced life. Embracing this digital detox philosophy, we invite you to reflect on how authoritative communication and supportive networks can shape a positive environment in the professional realm, as we navigate the blurred lines between work and personal space. Tune in for an episode where wisdom meets the warmth of shared experiences, and where every listener is inspired to harness the power of self-awareness for a richer, more centered life.

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