Alimond Studio


Sorena Saffarpour


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Lessons from Local Leaders:

Sorena Saffarpour

Every scar tells a tale, and Sorena’s is a saga of resilience and hope that he’s turned into a beacon for countless others. Waking from a coma with a traumatic brain injury after a devastating accident, he faced a world dramatically different from the one he knew. On our show, Sorena details the therapies that helped him reclaim his life, the importance of cherishing every moment, and how his journey from diary entries to a published book has become a lifeline to people traversing similar paths. His story isn’t just about overcoming adversity, but about the power of personal connections and the unexpected silver lining that comes with relearning the world.

Then, meet a modern-day Renaissance individual, melding the worlds of modeling, writing, and heartfelt work with children with autism. Their narrative weaves through the balance of chasing modeling dreams, educational pursuits, and the profound impact of their role as a behavioral therapist on both their life and those of the children they support. Discover the intricacies of self-publishing and how this guest uses fitness and poetry to fuel their passions and help others find their voice. Join us as we uncover the stories of those who remind us to keep chasing our dreams, value every second, and share the memories that shape us.

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