It’s important that you know what you’re striving for in your marketing strategy so you can fully focus on it. Stick to something you know you’re able to commit to but also don’t be afraid to put in the time and effort. Trust me, it does pay off.

Building Your Brand, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

5 Tips for Marketing Your Business On Social Media

Ready to start making videos? Good. You should! Here are a few ideas to get you started…

Advice from Alimond, Personal Brand, Video, Videography

Top 5 Videos Ideas To Get You Started

When you want into a room full of strangers, it’s easy to view them all as “prey” for your business. That is a hunter’s mindset, which is fantastic for sales, but not for networking. You should be asking more than telling.

Advice from Alimond, Alimond Studio, Building Your Brand, Business Highlight, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

Which Type of Networker Are You?

Here are 5 tips on how to make your client experience an incredible one.

Advice from Alimond

5 Ways to Transform Your Client Experience

Business collaborations are a great way to take your company to the next level. Click to learn more!

Advice from Alimond, Building Your Brand, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks, Video

Steps to a Successful Collaboration

Are you still waiting on that defining moment in which you will figure out everything and decide what to do with your life?

Advice from Alimond

Stop Comparing Yourself To Everyone

How can you take your video marketing to the next level? Well before you just hire the first videographer you see, here’s a list of questions to ask yourself. 

Advice from Alimond, Building Your Brand

Are You Ready For A Next Level Video?

There are some things we can do to help us over the bump in the road when we feel like quitting.  

Advice from Alimond, Tips & Tricks

The Struggle to Stay Motivated

Have you thought about adding videos to your marketing strategy? Its a good thought, and it can definitely be an overwhelming one, too.

Advice from Alimond, Building Your Brand

Want To Jump On The Video Marketing Bandwagon?

Confidence comes from doing the very thing that we are afraid to do, and experiencing positive results along the way.

Advice from Alimond

“I Have Confidence in Me!”

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