Celebrating our community is important. Not just because it’s a fantastic place to be, but because it’s better to be a part of it than to be on the sidelines. People are what make a community, so getting to know them is only going to strengthen the whole. We can learn how to collaborate and help each other grow. We can learn where change needs to happen from the inside, from the people themselves. 

Alimond Studio, Business Highlight, Loudoun 100

Celebrating Our Community is Important.

Whether you want to take your visual brand to the next level or it’s time to change out that 18-year-old headshot – here’s what to look for when choosing a headshot photographer.

Advice from Alimond, Alimond Studio, Headshots, Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

How to Pick the Right Headshot Photographer

While you may not have time to tell prospects who you are, your headshots and videos can do the talking for you.

Advice from Alimond, Alimond Studio

3 Traits Everyone Looks for in Your Headshot

Alimond Studio has added two new members to our team. Click to learn more about them!

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Meet Our Newest Alimond Team Members

We are so fortunate to be able to work with some  amazing clients here at the studio.  

Business Highlight

Behind the Photo

In our video today we’re going to talk about the way different poses can present a specific message about you.

Alimond Studio, Headshots

Headshot Variety

It is very rare that anyone tells us to leave the photo as is without some type of retouching, even if it’s very minimal.  

Alimond Studio, Headshots

How Much is Too Much for Retouching?

I was in a session with a client one afternoon and we were discussing online dating profile pictures

Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

3 Steps to Improve Your Set of Dating Profile Pictures

The number one question here at Alimond Studio is, how to get rid of double chins in photos.

Alimond Studio, Headshots

VIDEO: How do you hide your double chin in photos?

Business cards are part of your brand. They should be used for differentiating yourself and your business, and communicating your message. A good card can help you stand out, but a bad card can steer potential customers away from you. In the past, I thought that headshots were silly on business cards… even though I’m […]

Alimond Studio, Headshots

Business Cards: Headshot or No Headshot?

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The Alimond Show

We are currently accepting nominations to be featured on our Alimond Show Podcast.  It's a great way for your favorite business owners to be seen by Northern Virginia locals.

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Favorites                    Photoshoot Collection

Explore a curated collection of exceptional entrepreneurial headshots and branding visuals 

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If you're into growing your community, building your personal brand + looking good while doing it all ... You've come to the right place.

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