It makes sense that you want a great and flattering photo of yourself every time someone snaps a photo of you

Tips & Tricks

Posing Tip of Week: The Double Chin

Employees play important role for spreading the word about your brand, your culture, and your mission

Video, Videography

Show Off Your Team- With Video

I did a little video going over 9 reasons stopping you from booking a session AND why you should reconsider. 

Advice from Alimond, Alimond Studio

Can you relate to any of these reasons?

A selfie is a self-portrait taken with a phone camera

Advice from Alimond

5 Steps to Taking a Perfect Selfie

In business, image is often the difference between making a sale or missing an opportunity.

Alimond Studio, Building Your Brand, Headshots

Show off your crew with team headshots!

I was in a session with a client one afternoon and we were discussing online dating profile pictures

Personal Brand, Tips & Tricks

3 Steps to Improve Your Set of Dating Profile Pictures

Getting your business known on the internet is more than providing your audience with large amounts of good looking content.

Advice from Alimond, Building Your Brand

How to Earn Loyal Followers to Your Business with Video

A viewing session is now the part of your appointment where you are allowed to sit down and decide on which photograph best suits your personality, brand, and authenticity.

Alimond Studio, Headshots

What to Expect at Your Ordering Session

Your LinkedIn profile photo acts as a first impression and you do not get a second chance at a first impression.


First Impressions on LinkedIn

I heard someone the other day mention the “LinkedIn Effect.”

Alimond Studio, Headshots

Smile! Your Career May Depend on It

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The Alimond Show

We are currently accepting nominations to be featured on our Alimond Show Podcast.  It's a great way for your favorite business owners to be seen by Northern Virginia locals.

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Explore a curated collection of exceptional entrepreneurial headshots and branding visuals 

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